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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home-made Crossword Puzzle

VERSION 1: By the Teacher

Ss first need to know what a crossword puzzle is, so you could first make one for them. Options:

  1. As individual or group worksheets
  2. As a big poster on the board, which can be transformed into a competition between groups, with the teacher calling out the definition and each group having only one chance at a time to complete a word.

VERSION 2: By the students

  1. SS should have a list of words they're working on in your class.
  2. Divide SS into groups of 2 or 3, and give them each some sheets of squared paper so they can experiment with their own crossword puzzles, trying to weave words together.
  3. In the end, each group should hand in: 1. The completed crossword puzzle (answers), 2. A blank crossword puzzle, and 3. The clues.
  4. Groups can then exchange their (blank) puzzles, and try to complete it. My favourite part is that, if they have any problems completing it, I just say, "I don't know, ask the authors!"

This activity can also be used to practice adjective clauses when giving definitions: "A device which is used for talking long-distance - telephone".

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