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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Time Line

This game can help SS understand the relationship and time frame between the different verb tenses.

  1. For the T, make a list of sentences such as the following (use sentences that match the structures your class is learning- but I find this helps them be a little less confused with past perfect, present perfect, simple past and past continuous especially) (sorry, I was pressed with time and couldn't come up with more interesting sentences. Next time! If you do, please send them and I'll give you credit!)

1. She closed the window, but the insects had already come in.
2. The insects wanted to come in, but they couldn’t because she had closed the window.
3. When he arrived in class, the class had already started.
4. She knew because someone had already told her.
5. I told her something that she had never heard before.
6. I’m bored because I have already studied this topic.
7. I was bored because I had already studied this topic.
8. The window is closed, but the insects have already come in.
9. The insects can’t come in because I’ve closed the window.
10. I’ve been eating. That’s why I feel so full!
11. I was eating when the rain started.
12. It’s been raining for three hours! I wish it would stop.
13. It’s going to rain.
14. We’ve been studying verb tenses in grammar class.
15. While we were playing, someone did something funny.
16. While we were studying verb tenses, it started to rain.
17. While I was eating, an insect came in.
18. Before eating I had already closed the window.

  1. Divide your students into groups of about 3.
  2. Write only the infinitive verb forms of each clause, on half and a4-size paper. Make enough copies for each of your groups. (e.g. for sentence one, write "close the window" on one paper and "come in" on another). NOTE: there are many sentences which use "start to rain". For each group, make only one such card. They won't need more, as once they use it, they'll return it to the pile again.
  3. Give each group a long strip of cardboard with an arrow on one end, to simulate a time line.
  4. Spread all the "clause cards" in the center of the classroom, on the floor. Station the groups with their time lines around the clause cards.
  5. T reads out the first sentence, and SS find the clauses and place them on the time line. The first group to do this correctly wins 1 point (or 10 000 points!).


  1. SS can then use the clauses to make their own sentence combinations and quiz their classmates.
  2. SS can place the clauses randomly on the time line and see what sentences they come up with (this can be done by sticking them on the board).

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