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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pictionary/ Definitionary/ Mimictionary

1. Make cards of the vocab you're working on with your class.

2. Find a way of timing 30 seconds (kitchen timer? Hourglass? One of the students?)

3. Divide SS into two groups.

4. A SS from one group gets up, and, when time begins, picks a card. He has to define it (or draw, or mimic- up to the teacher) until his classmates guess it. Then he can go on to the next card, and try to get his/her team to guess it.

5. When time's up, a Ss from the next group comes up, and does the same so his/her group can guess the words.

6. Game ends when there are no more cards left. The team with the most cards in the end wins.

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